Singapore International Ferrous Week (SIFW)

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Steel is the foundation of human production and life, serving as the cornerstone of the advancement of human society. The development of the steel industry is closely intertwined with the economy and deeply connected to human life. However, steel production also stands as the largest emitter of pollutants, contributing 7% of the total yearly greenhouse gas emissions.

The historic energy transition consensus from COP28 signifies an urgent need for a greener transformation in the steel industry. While the industry has already taken positive steps, the transition needs a coordinated effort from both public and private stakeholders.

One of the largest forums at Singapore International Ferrous Week (SIFW) – the Singapore Green Steel Forum (SGSF) – is set to take place on May 7, 2024, at the Sands Expo and Convention Centre. This forum aims to explore topics concerning the green transformation of the steel industry, involving mines, steel mills, and stakeholders such as equipment manufacturers, suppliers, universities, research institutions, intergovernmental organizations, NGOs, financial institutions, and the academic community.


新加坡交易所(“新交所”)是亚洲领先且备受信赖的证券及衍生产品市场基础设施,以最高监管准则运营股票、固定收益及衍生产品市场。同时,新交所还拥有并经营着“新交所可持续金融创新平台” (,籍此推动和构建可持续及绿色金融生态。


作为亚洲国际化程度最高的多元资产交易所,新交所约 40% 的上市公司和超过 80% 的上市债券均来自新加坡以外地区,并为环球客户提供上市、交易、清算、结算、托管及数据等一站式服务。新交所为中国、印度、日本和东盟的基准股票指数提供了全球流动性最佳的离岸市场,产品全面涵盖亚洲股票指数、大宗商品和货币等多种衍生品。新交所总部位于荣获AAA信用评级的新加坡,其风险管理和清算能力享誉全球。更多信息,请浏览

Green Esteel—全球成长最快的垂直一体化绿色钢铁运营商

Green Esteel是亚洲唯一一家低碳钢铁企业, 拥有成熟的气基直接还原铁(DRI) / 热压块铁( HBI)技术,提供高效的钢铁企业减碳方案。Green Esteel将通过领先的产能扩张计划与实现全绿氢 “零碳” 钢铁的充分潜能,实现快速增长。 作为一家新加坡控股公司, Green Esteel在新加坡、印尼、马来西亚拥有低碳炼钢与镍资源开发等业务,致力于成长为全球领先的垂直一体化绿色钢铁运营商。

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